Error 5570

HI one of my animators is getting this error when he logs in and he is directed straight to page 5570. What is it how can i resolve it so he can see his schedule?

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Hi @Emma ,

Welcome to the community!

I’m not sure which error you’re referring to and the id of the page being redirected to is unique to your site so we don’t know what that page might be. If you want to send an email to with your site’s URL as well as the username of the animator and some additional information about the error, we’ll try to get you sorted.

If appropriate, we’ll post back here after we’ve worked the issue out for the benefit of the greater community.

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Hi Emma!

You can set the page any user first sees by setting the value of the “Home Page” field for that user on the People page.

Let us know if that works for you!