Filter Tasks in the RV Shotgun Submit Tool

Hey there! We’ve recently started using the Shotgun Submit Tool through RV and are really liking it. The one thing that we are looking to solve is filtering the tasks that show up to submit to. Currently, it looks like it shows any task that the user has been assigned to ever. Regardless of whether a project is active, the task is complete, etc. Is there a way to filter these tasks so that only specific ones show up?

Screengrab attached for where we are seeing all the tasks.


Hi @Nick_Prange :wave:

Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you’re using the submit tool and liking it.

You can leverage autocomplete filtering by statuses. For instance, you can limit the list of results to only tasks that are not marked final (or any other status like “complete” if you have that in your Task status list).

You’ll need to have admin controls to do this. In the Shotgun UI, navigate to Site Preferences, then Filtering. You’ll see Autocomplete Omit Statuses here, and you can list all the things you don’t want to show up in autocomplete list fields. Just list the entity name first (in this case Task, then the status Short Code, like fin—so Task:fin in this example). Make sure to save your site preferences once you make the update.

Note that this is a global control, so it will affect all projects across Shotgun. So any values you choose to filter from autocomplete results will not be returned in the RV Submit Tool and Shotgun. You may also need to restart RV for it to take effect there.

Here’s a bit more information in our Best Practices doc:



Thank you Shayna! That’s super helpful. So if I wanted to filter out entire projects that are complete, it would look like “Project:cmpt” correct?


Since you are filtering Tasks in the submit tool, you’d need to specify on the Task level—so something like Task:fin to filter out any Tasks that are final. You can swap in another status by its short code, but you’ll want to use Task as the entity instead of Project. If you were filtering Projects (an entity field with Projects), then Project:cmpt would apply. Does that help?


Got it! Yes, that makes sense. Thank you!


Hi everybody. that feature is great! But it did conflict between people rules. So I chose to enable the per-user autocomplete omit statuses. But seems like it wasn’t took into account in the submit tool. Did I miss a step of configuration so the submit tool can rely on that too?
In advance a big thanks for helping

Hi again, sorry to rebump here. Can somebody hint me on this scenario?
