How do I modify the basic integrations?

When you install Shotgun Desktop or Shotgun Create and launch our apps and software integrations like the Publish app or Maya or Nuke (so that they have the Shotgun menu), you will be using the basic integrations straight out of the box.

Normally if you wish to start diving into modifying the integration behaviours, you would set up an advanced config, as outlined in this guide

The advanced integrations come with additional features such as the schema and templates for controlling where files should live and additional apps such as the save/open app, however, you may not want this extra functionality, and just want to modify the basic integrations behaviour.

Steps for taking over the basic integrations (tk-config-basic)

  1. Download the latest tk-config-basic config from our Github releases page:

  2. Create a new PipelineConfiguration entity on your project in your Shotgun site:

    • The Config Name should be Primary if it’s your main production configuration for that project, otherwise, you can call it something else like dev if it’s just for testing.
    • The Project should be filled in for you already if you’re looking at the project PipelineConfiguration page. If you want this config to be used for all projects then you can set the Project field to be empty.
    • You need to fill in the Plugin Ids field with basic.*
    • When setting it to point to the actual configuration files you have an option. You can either upload the config to the Uploaded Config field, or you could use the descriptor field and point to it another way. For example maybe you want the config stored on your network storage, for this you can use the path descriptor something like: sgtk:descriptor:path?linux_path=/path/to/tk-config-basic&mac_path=/path/to/tk-config-basic&windows_path=c:\path\to\tk-config-basic

(An alternative method is to use the advanced setup wizard and choose to browse to the config you’ve downloaded. The wizard page asking you to set the roots will be blank and the project folder name you set will have no effect. Instead of choosing centralized you must pick distributed.)
Now your project should be using your custom config. Note you will no longer receive automatic updates to the configuration and will be responsible for updating the app, engine, framework, and core versions as they become available.
having completed the above steps you can then modify the config files. For example to add a custom publish hook and re-upload the config to your Shotgun site (if you went with the uploaded config route).