How to retain existing Project Pages when you change your Project Configuration with Custom Pages

This is a little hack of a workaround I created that I hope comes in handy for you too!

I was at a studio where I needed to change the Project Configuration of many projects, including custom pages, but production users didn’t want to lose their custom project pages that already lived on the project. So I thought, why not temporarily kick the pages out of the project, then make the configuration change, and then bring the pages back home. Some expert users are going to know exactly where I’m headed with this (let me know in the comments!) :wink:

Here’s how I did it:

  • On project ABC (the Project that will be receiving the Project Configuration) first, go to “Project Pages > Gear icon > Manage Pages”
  • Add a tag to all pages you would like to retain on the Project with something specific in the Tags field. I like to tag all the pages I want to keep with the Project name ABC , but you need to make sure it’s a tag not being used by any other page(s) on other projects.
  • Next, remove the ABC Project name from the Project field of all those tagged pages (I use a filter to search for all my tagged pages to get a concise list to quickly edit).
  • Select “Project Actions > Change Project Configuration” at the top right
  • For your Source add the Project whose Pages you want to copy over. This could be an existing Project or a Template Project.
  • Under Overwrite, make sure “Custom Pages” is checked ON (including any other options you want to bring over).

!!!THIS NEXT STEP CANNOT BE UNDONE so know what options you are checking and what each does.!!!

  • Confirm and Ok the change
  • Once the action is complete, go to “All Pages > Gear icon > Manage Pages” in the upper global navigation menu
  • Filter for all pages with the tag you specified, then re-add project ABC to the Project field.
  • Go back to Project ABC > Project Pages > Gear Icon > Manage Pages and you will see that all your pages are there, new and old. Depending on what new pages you copied in, you may need to delete duplicates of the old pages - this is not always the case, it just depends on what your new project copied over.

Hope that helps make your lives easier!



Hi Beth,

Thanks for suggested tip. Personally I find managing multiple project pages outdated and very problematic. We really need api end points to help manage the deployment of project pages, project settings, navigation bars and detail pages. As an admin I feel constantly contorted to deploy page updates using the web interface and your solution only shines a spot light on this. Maybe the product road map should include modernizing page deployment strategies.



+1 to what Romey said.