Is There a File That Configures Shotgun Desktop Ingestion?

How do we gain control of the ingestion tool so that we can specify where to place files within our shot structure? is there a config file? Is that something within the web portal, or does that happen per machine running the ingest?

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Hi, Lee :wave:

Happy Friday! :partying_face: Can you clarify what you mean when you say Shotgun Desktop Ingestion? Do you mean Shotgun Desktop tools such as the Publish app? Or is the tool you are referring to, actually called something like “Ingest”?

We have some software partners who have written and maintained tools called Ingest that is launched via Shotgun Desktop and is primarily around the client-side workflow. If that’s the tool you are referring to, then it’s something you’ll have to ask them about. If that’s the case, feel free to DM me and I’ll get you in touch with the right person to answer your question!



I think he is reffering to the Publish2 app.

You can build hooks for the tk-multi-publish2 app and configure those for the standalone mode.

If you want to edit what happens to the files I would suggest you build a hook that does the file copy/move/creates a daily.
You can use the publish_file hook as example:

If you want to edit the file collection stage you will have to take a look at the collector and copy that and edit it to your requirements if needed.

If you are new to using/customizing tk-multi-publish2 I can highly recommend this webinar: