Is there any way to display fractions of a day in gantt?

Our producers are asking for greater granularity in scheduling smaller tasks of less than a day, so for example you might want to schedule two 0.5 day tasks.

Which you can do but cant easily see in gant due to the structure of it.

Any suggestions welcome :slight_smile:


Hi @craig422 :wave:

Welcome to the community! Currently, there isn’t a way to display fractional or partial days on the gantt, but it’s on our Product Teams’ radar. The gantt will only display tasks in day format. However, you can set offsets on the gantt, so tasks can overlap when there are dependencies in place. Just hold down the Option or Alt key on your keyboard until you see a black dot to the side of the Task bar, then drag the Task bar to the desired offset. A tooltip tells you the duration of the offset (positive or negative days):

More details on the gantt and offsets here:

I encourage you to submit your feedback to our roadmap page so that our Product Team is aware of your interest, and please add any details in what your Producers are interested in seeing with this functionality, so they’re considered:



+1 Feature request

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Thanks for getting back to me Shaynad,

Sorry about the slow response but I though I’d setup notifications for this thread but didn’t get one.

I look forward to any developments!



Is there any update on this? It seems like quite basic funtionality is missing here.