Making Custom fields for shot import

Hi, All,
New to both Shotgun and VFX, and trying to match the fields to upload from my Excel sheet. I need the fields to be exactly this:

But I don’t know how to create custom fields. Can you point me in the right direction?


Hi @ShellHawk,

welcome to Shotgun as well as to VFX world. Thanks for posting.

To answer your direct question first, you could check the following doc for how to create a custom field. and learn more of field types as you could not convert field types once created, so it’s better you are careful with the type of field you are choosing.

An another tip for entity importing, we would recommend you to export an empty csv file from Shotgun page and fill in that excel sheet with all your data, to avoid any possible format conflicts of excel.

Hope it helps you. Other than that, let the community know whenever you need assistance as we all are happy to share.



Thank you for your response. But—I’m still having difficulty. When I go to the “fields” tab, I get this:

When I click on “manage shot fields,” I get this:

I don’t see an option to “Add a new field,” as it says in the “all about fields” tutorial. Perhaps it’s because I have a trial version of Shotgun? Or I’m missing something because I’m unfamiliar with the program.
In regards to exporting to Excel, here is the drop-down (looks just like the one you sent! :smile:)

I downloaded the CSV to Excel, made my changes, and went to upload:

Next, I went to the “Shotgun Column” to make a selection, and there is no option in the drop-down which matches my “Lens,” “VFX Work” and other columns, even though it’s in “my” columns. Did I make a mistake by downloading the Shotgun CSV to Excel? Did I make a mistake on copying and pasting my info from my original Excel spreadsheet to the one I downloaded from Shotgun? (If there’s a magic bullet on that, please let me know!)
I know I’m missing something! What do I need to do?
Thanks again! Being new to all of this, I know there’s a lot to learn!

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Hi Shelley,

No worries, and no rush. Let’s break it down here.

First of all, clarification that eval version of Shotgun have full access of the features, excepting for separate application of certain security components in our SuperAwesome subscription. So it’s definitely not a edition restriction here.

My best guess is that you are on a permission role which do not have rights to create a custom field, thus you could not see +Add a new field button. Could you please turn to your site admin and see if you have granted the proper permission? (If you are the admin, please send me direct message with your site URL and your login-no password needed). I’ll hop over your site and take a closer look at it.)

Glad you have learnt how to export entities to Excel(CSV). You are taking the right steps, to export to Excel, and update the sheet with your information. But prior to importing these data back, you have to ensure there are corresponding fields(columns) on the Shots entity page on your Shotgun site, if not, to create these custom entity beforehand (or in importing process), but since it seems you do not have permission to create fields, it’s not doable now.

Again it’s not a feature restriction we have on eval accounts, but definitely something we could work out here. Feel free to send me direct message whenever you need to share private information like your Shotgun URL or your login. I’m always happy to access your site and dig further in.


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Thank you! Admin took care of it!


Hello, I also do not see the ability to “Add a new field”. I do see that under “people”, I am listed as a Project Admin (not an “Admin”). Should I have this ability? Thanks, Jim Rider (James Rider on ShotGrid)

Hi Jim,

If you do not see the “Add a new field” option, then turn to your site admin for help. Probably you are granted certain permission to do that.
