Maya -


I want to have control over when users launch tk-maya.
I want all workstations to read the same unique inside of sgtk config, so that users can customize their own files if they want.

I see there is already install\app_store\tk-maya\v0.9.7\startup\ that looks excatly like what I want, but I don’t understand how the file is linked to sgtk config as I can’t find any hook key associated to this file in tk-maya.

I imagine I can also use tk-multi-launchapp\, but trying to add to tk-multi-launchapp breaks my whole config as I don’t know what windows_path, linux_path and mac_path keys are supposed to be.

Can you point me to the right direction here? Using would be the best option I think.



Hi Ben

So first thing to say, is you shouldn’t modify the install\app_store\tk-maya\v0.9.7\startup\ file. This is there purely for Toolkit to handle bootstrapping of the engine. You should use your own separate

The hook sounds like the right way to go. You can add the path to your chosen file, by appending it to the PYTHONPATH.

You can use the following utility method to append a path to the env var:

sgtk.util.append_path_to_env_var("PYTHONPATH", path_to_your_usersetup_file)

If you’re bundling your custom file in with the config, you can access the hooks folder in the config by running the following from the hook:

Then you could modify that path to get to a different folder if needed.


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Hi Philip,
Thanks for your answer.

I wouldn’t dare modify a file in the install/ folder! That’s my exact problem: I did not know how to telle sgtk to load {config}/tk-maya/

I’ll try appending path to PYTHONPATH. I did not know maya would launch any in this environment variable at startup.

sgtk.util.append_path_to_env_var("PYTHONPATH", path_to_your_usersetup_file)
the exact same thing as
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] or is this a sgtk special PYTHONPATH?

Concerning, I’m currently trying to make this work but have problems with implementing the settings in tk-maya:

:diamonds: copy to {config}/tk-multi-launchapp/
:diamonds: add those lines to tk-multi-launchapp.yml:
engine: tk-maya
location: ""
hook_before_app_launch: "{config}/tk-multi-launchapp/"

:diamonds: add tk-multi-launchapp: "" to the apps part of your different environments in tk-maya.yml

I’m not exactly sure I’m right there as this gives me errors when launching SG Desktop, but I think that’s the logic here?

TankError: Include error. Could not resolve references for L:\_tech\sgtk_sandbox\config\env\.\includes\settings\tk-maya.yml: Undefined Reference!


Yes, it’s the same env var, it’s just a convenience method, for taking the current PYTHONPATH value and adding a new string to the end of it separated by the path separator. It runs this code essentially:

You could do it your self, but just make sure you don’t overwrite the current PYTHONPATH value as Toolkit won’t bootstrap, you must append to it.

I’m guessing you created the block? You shouldn’t normally need to do this. I posted on the other thread you replied to with the instructions on how to add the hook:

Though technically the error you are getting is that your tk-maya.yml doesn’t know where to find the settings block, as you probably haven’t included the tk-multi-launchapp.yml in the includes section of the file. However I think this is the wrong approach anyway, so I would follow the steps in the other post and see if that works for you. (And remove changes you made to the tk-maya.yml and tk-multi-launchapp.yml.)

Hope that helps, let me know if anything is not clear and I’ll try to clarify!


Works perfectly! Thanks Philip

If anyone need help, here’s what I did with Philip advices:

:diamonds: created hooks in tk-multi-launchapp.yml under and (not sure what this second one is doing)

hook_before_app_launch: "{config}/tk-multi-launchapp/"

:diamonds: created my methods in {config}/tk-multi-launchapp/ The first method I call makes sur PYTHONPATH is setuped as I want.

:diamonds: also added’s folder path to PYTHONPATH through a method that only execute if engine_name == ‘tk-maya’


That sounds spot on!

FYI the second block is used purely by the tk-shotgun engine. In other words those are the settings it will use if you launch a software via the browser integration. I’m not totally sure why the browser integration needed skip_engine_instances: ["tk-nukestudio"] specifically, but that is the difference.


I want to launch a particular script in Maya once SGTK has been setuped.
The problem with using is that I have absolutly no control over when the setup is launched. Even with cmds.userDeffered, I have problems.

Is there a hook that would allow me to launch a script (similar to but which would only be activated once maya is setuped (every plugins loaded, engine.context available, etc)?


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Hi Ben

The core hook would probably do what you need.

You would need to check that the engine was tk-maya before doing anything specific to Maya, and also this would get run whenever you restarted the engine, so you might need to implement some kind of check if you only ever want to run this once.

if == "tk-maya":
   # do some Maya stuff
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Great, thanks Philip!

I can’t find any reference to this hook in /env dir, how can I make sure sgtk will call from my /config and not from /install ?

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Ah sorry I should have explained. We are currently missing a doc on how hooks work and we are working on writing one.

So there are two types of hooks. Core hooks and hooks that belong to bundles like an App, Engine or Framework.

App, Engine or Framework hooks must be configured via the bundle in question’s settings in the environment YAMLs.

Core hooks just need to be copied over to the config/core/hooks folder and can’t be renamed. They will then get picked up by core during normal usage.


Okay, thanks for you quick reply :slight_smile:

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It seems is called right before when maya engine is initialised, which produces an error.

File "L:\_tech\sgtk_configs\config_sandbox\core\hooks\", line 46, in execute
    import python_modules.maya.userSetup.userSetup as userSetupModule

File "L:\_tech\python_modules\maya\userSetup\", line 27, in <module>
    import python_modules.maya.set_workspace as swm
    swmO = swm.MayaWorkspace()

File "L:\_tech\python_modules\maya\", line 27, in __init__
    self.engine = sgtk.platform.current_engine()
    self.projectName = self.engine.context.project.get('name', '').lower()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'context' #

Workaround: engine already exists in engine_init, pass it as argument to the Objects we want to call, then it will works perfetcly!

This give way more contrl than ! Perfect :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I’ve seen this before, you’re right, the engine has started but it’s not registered itself as the current engine at that point, I think it’s the next thing that happens after calling that hook. Arguably it should perhaps have registered the current engine before calling the hook.

So as you say the workaround is to pass the engine provided in the hook onto any other processes you need to call.
Nice work!


I’m trying to build a pulldown menu, like the ‘Shotgrid’ one. I want to dynamically build this once Maya is loaded up through SG Desktop. I tried adding the code to but this didn’t work. I get 2 Shotgrid menus for some reason.
I’m curious to how @benwall solved this by passing to the Objects. My backup plan is to use the file but I would rather a more elegant solution using



Hey @mdthielen,
I chose the easy way on this one and used sgtk’s :wink:

Consider install pyenv for this.

pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It’s simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well.

Also, using a distribution like Anaconda with built-in package management. With Anaconda you can easily isolate your Python2 and Python3 environments and not have to mess with PYTHON PATH.

Erratum: I just re-checked the code, turns out I did not use but wrote my own class which is called with evalDeferred in engine_init:

if == "tk-maya":
    message = 'launch USERSETUP\n\n'
    ## import modules now, as we have to be inside Maya to import cmds
    from maya import cmds
    cmd0 = 'import sgtk'
    cmd1 = 'import myOwn.userSetup as userSetupModule'
    cmd2 = 'userSetupModule.UserSetupClass(inputEngine = sgtk.platform.current_engine())'
    cmds.evalDeferred( cmd0 )
    cmds.evalDeferred( cmd1 )
    cmds.evalDeferred( cmd2 )

Passing the arg sgtk.platform.current_engine() rather than self.engine is just to be absolutly sure to get the latest one when evalDeferred launchs.

It’s probably not the cleanest way, but it works pretty well.