Replacement for "Compare in RV"

Since the “Shotgun Review” plugin and “Shotgun Toolkit” packages will be deprecated, what’s the replacement option for when multiple Versions are selected on the Shotgun website and we want to open them in RV?

It seems the screening room options are disabled when multiple versions are selected, is tk-shotgun not able to handle multiple entities?


Hi @j0yu!

Thanks for the note on this. This is a difference in the capability of the Toolkit app used for Screening room. It’s missing the ability to multi-select and launch. At the moment, unfortunately, there isn’t a workaround.

We have this logged, so it’s on our radar, but I don’t have any publicly available ETA. It will depend on the type of fix associated if we choose to address this or not. Again, thanks for reaching out to help get this on our radar!
