Including Notes in BurnIn on Published Quicktime render


I was looking to add some more customization to the Quicktime render that gets created when our artists publish their renders.

I was wondering how I might add the notes the artist wrote to that quicktime render as a burn in or something.


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Hey Alex

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, the Publish app uses the tk-multi-reviewsubmission app to handle the quicktime generation. And that app contains a hook that you can take over, so that should allow you to modify the generated quick time:

However the hook won’t get passed the comment, so probably the easiest thing to do would be to store the comment in a env var before the review submission is called, and then retrieve that env var in the review submission hook and use it in the generation of the quick time.

Maybe that helps?

Hey Phil,

Thanks for the response,
Yeah that’s basically where I’m at.
What I have ended up doing is using the inspect module to look backwards in the frames to find the comment in the previous (x4) frame.


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