New build available ! Create release notes (Build #2024.03.014 - March 26, 2024)

A new version of Create is now available. This new version fixes the following issues.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a regression introduced in libcurl which would prevent the application from launching on macOS 14.2 and newer versions. [SG-34253]
  • Fixes an issue which would prevent some playlists from loading. [SG-34583]
  • Fixes an issue that prevented clips with a 2 byte filename from loading. [SG-33176]
  • Fixes a problem on Windows which would prevent the user from opening an external application from Create. [SG-33424]
  • Fixes an issue which would hamper the Playblast operation in Create with Python 3.9. [SG-34548]

Known issue

  • Some users might encounter an issue trying to open an external application from Create after an auto-update. The workaround for now is to delete the SGTK cache link to Create before launching the new version. [SG-34899]

The SGTK cache can be found:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Shotgun
  • Linux: ~/.shotgun
  • MacOS: ~/Library/Caches/Shotgun


The What’s New link that pops up after updating on Create sends you to this page where it stopped showing updated versions on July 2023 :frowning:

Thats because there is a new forum thread like this for the updates.
Link needs to be changed.