RV submit auto over info, such frame number / shot name and focal length etc

Hello dear Shotgun / RV team:
I am looking for a feature when I use RV submit a version from a image sequences!
RV could gather the frame number or shot name and focal length etc. and auto overlay it on submitted version! I am not sure it is a possible, or have a package could do this request already, or other way suggestion? please guide me a direction to read more!

Big thanks!

I found this

But where to place the setup file? Or how to install the overlay info?


Hey @vfxjimmy,

The guide you’ve linked offers dynamic overlays though it sounds like you’d like to have baked-in burnins?

You can add frame burnins via RVIO, do you have access to an RVIO license? If you don’t you’ll need to purchase one from tweak@autodesk.com.

Then you can add a couple of different simple burnins like so:


Hello RV,
I am also looking something like this , is there option to add overlay text with expression where we can dynamically display current playing frame in RV player. like maya and nuke supports expression to do this, which will dynamically loads the frame using expression [frame]
Thank you,